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The Red Thread of Fate

The Red Thread of Fate

The Red Thread of Fate


“An invisible red thread connects those destined to be together, regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break” - Chinese Proverb

“Sometimes when you meet someone, there’s a click. I don’t believe in love at first sight but I sure believe in that click.” Unknown


I have heard these both over the years. They are both beautiful quotes but now I truly understand and embrace them.

Come step back through time with me. It’ll be fun but by the end of this you may find that you embrace these quotes too. One day I will write a book of my excursions. Although I would definitely have to change the names to protect the “not so innocent” but for now this is important to the quotes above. (Wink)

In the eighties I was a very young, divorced, single mom who found herself in the decadent world of rock n roll courtesy of the local music scene in DFW. I was just a little “cowgirl” (who never fit in that world) when my sister talked me into meeting her at one of the hotspots to see this band that she knew. When I stepped through that magic portal, life as I knew it would change in so many ways. I was mesmerized by every detail and because my passion was music I was instantly hooked. I was extremely shy, naïve and a bit unsteady but I didn’t let it stop me from embracing the scene even with my learning curve. I made lots of friends, many that became lifelong friends. While growing up I always wanted a brother, I ended up with several “big brothers”, who took me under their wing. I was their “too sweet”, shy little sis that they were compelled to both protect and teach me. Either that or they were terrified my sister would kill them if they let anything happen to me!

Fast forward a few years, I am walking into one of my favorite hotspots west of the Trinity River to see this glam metal band that had hit the scene with force and they would have my attention for years to come. The young guitar player with his amazing talent caught my eye. He always said “hi” and every time I managed to snag a table close he always made eye contact with me from the stage He was genuine, sweet and there was a “click” between us; though above the noise & flash it could havebeen missed yet a friendship began to bud.. It was sweet, tender and genuine just like him. But life has a way of “happening while we are busy making other plans” and before it got a chance to bloom fully the boys were off on true rock and roll adventures and I was working a nine to five, while raising my daughter. Yet in all my years I never forgot him, often wondering what he was doing or where he was. Through my little music family I would hear of him and the others from time to time… And life marched onward. Still even as the years move on I never could shake him, he was always there in a dusty little corner of my mind, waiting to spark a question. The truth, be known, in the most innocent of ways, he was a quintessential part of me coming out my shell and becoming the audacious creature that stands before everyone. I missed his smile and there was an empty place in my soul.

Then after a gazillion years (actually 30) had past, in the most perchance happening, we found our paths cross again. It didn’t take long to notice that the “click” was still there. We picked up our conversation like we had never been apart. We discovered that our common interests were more vast than when we first met, in our “hair metal adventure” days; that we had actually lived in Arizona at the same time; that we have grown in the same direction on so many levels. My momma once told me “That I would meet a man that would be that warrior-greenman that I was always just missing. He is looking for you too, when the time is right he will appear.” I thought she was just being “momma” and trying to sooth my broken heart… again. But she was a wise one and she knew. Then there he was... I never it saw coming and I guess that what makes me know it’s real.

Pausing to let it all soak in, not too long ago,  I realized that life, even with all its challenges, is still MORE when you share the journey with some one that gets “You”, all of you. They see not just your heart but your soul and there is a sense of “home” with them.  Sometimes if you just lean into The Universe’s plan, it shows itself in the most amazing auspicious encounters. So my Pets, YES, I do believe in that “Red Thread of Fate” and “The Click” without a shadow of doubt. Those that are meant to be in your life, those that are destined to be together, the ones that feel like “home” will always make their way back… And that “red thread of fate” no matter how far it stretches or tangles will never break.  

Where will this adventure lead us? I don’t know but I am willing to take a leap of faith, weather the storms we will surly encounter and accept the challenges we will face. To see just how far it takes us, how many adventures we can make into tales of wonder and just how much love and light we can shine across this world together.

I will keep you posted! ; )

Thank you, Church... THIS One's for YOU!!


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Sister Mine

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