Lil Red and Her Wolf- The Beginning


We all know the faerytale told for years, to countless children, the one of a little girl traveling the woods to visit her grandma and is approach by a wolf… or do we? There are many lessons to this story… respect your elders, beware of strangers but suppose the faerytale we were told was a cover up? What if the faerytale we were told was a “proper” way of explaining the relationship between these two… There is a definite erotic intrigue to this story… a undeniable spark that ignites between Red & The Wolf… it weaves magically  between the two of them… bonding them forever…What if Red was older and The Wolf was more than meets the eye?… You see it becomes much more exotic & dangerous when one adds those elements. Come sit by the fire and have a cup of tea with me, my curious friend… I will tell you the first of the many stories, I know of Lil Red and Her Wolf… This is the story of their first encounter:

The afternoon breeze felt cool on her face as she hurried down the overgrown trail. Red was trying to get to the river crossing before the sun took its evening rest. “Bloody hell,” she muttered to herself, “Gran is going to kill me!” She had once again lost track of time while out picking berries for her grandmother and on top of everything she had torn her cape… it was brown and worn but it was all she had. Her grandmother had lovingly patched it so many times from her “lust for adventure” excursions in the forest. She had just sewn it last week from her previous tumble. Today she had climbed far out on a limb of the great oak tree that grew lazily over a grove of grape vines down by the creek and of course the really pretty ones could only be reached by hanging from the limb… which is how she tore her cape. She had fetched a basket full of the fat, deep purple juicy ones, thinking they would make for some fine jelly. A prize that would make her grandmother smile.  

Her doeskin boots sounded on the trail as she picked up the pace.  She was just about to make her way to the moss laden tree that lay across the river when she heard a whining. At first she thought it was a dog but as she entered the clearing between the main forest & that which surrounded the river, she saw a beautiful grey wolf, with a sharp stick perturbing from its paw. He was clearly in pain and while she should have hurried on her way she felt an insisting urge to help him.

 As she turned toward him he caught her in his sight, growling lowly he backed up. She carefully inched up towards the wolf, “Easy there, fella,” she spoke softly, “I’m just tryin’ to help ye.” She took a soft step forward and the ground fell away to expose a deep hole with spiked branches staring out from the bottom. A deadly trap! The wolf must have sensed the danger and tried to jump it and landed on the broken stick that had pierced his left front paw, as he landed on the other side. “What genuine arse would want to harm such a magnificent creature”, she pondered as she inched closer toward him.

As she moved closer, the wolf turned, dark eyes flashing, still growling he stood his ground. The pain he was in was clear in his eyes. “It’s OK,” she said in her thick Irish brogue, as she drew her small dagger. He snarled as she did. “Oh don’t ye be frettin’, Sir, it’s just to help remove that nasty ol’ stick.” She looked him right in the eyes… She gasped; his eyes were deep blue… the blue of the tide-pools at her Aunt Teresa’s place in Northern Ireland. And as they made eye contact something clicked… like the tumblers of the key-lock falling in place. She took a few more slow, steady steps… as she did the wolf whined. She reached her hand toward him to let him sniff her, to let him know she was his ally. He growled but didn’t attempt to attack her. “Now don’t ye be biting me, I am trying to help ye.” She scolded as she inched up and sat down directly across from him, “Easy now…. “She told up his paw gently in her delicate hand & quickly cut the shaft of the stick and pulled the smaller end through. The wolf yelped, as she did but appeared not to move or even try to “bite the hand that was helping him”, Red was thinking he was still in shock from the pain and that would wear off quickly so she must move fast. She tore a piece off of her gauzy peasant blouse and reaching for her basket she pulled out some fresh thyme she had found earlier in the day and some salve that she carried with her for the scrapes and scratches she ALWAYS got. Hurriedly, she crushed the herb in a bit of the salve and reaching for a cool piece of moss that grew in the shade of the tree grove; she globed the salve on the moss. Then she placed the salve smeared moss on the wounded paw and quickly bounded it with the torn gauze. “There you are, M’Lord! You’ll be good as new before you know it!” she told him as she placed his paw on the ground and scratched behind his ear briefly. The grey wolf with the piercing deep blue eyes licked her hand as he came to stand. Just as she started to pull away the strangest thing happened. He leaned in and licked her cheek, then turned and limped towards the forest. “I hope you’ll be alright” she whispered to herself as she touched her cheek and smiled. She gathered her stuff and headed to the crossing, the sun was already settling in the west, it would be dark by the time she made to home & Gran would surely have dinner waiting. When she reached the crossing she looked over her shoulder in the direction of where the wolf had headed… Even though she couldn’t see the wolf in the darkness of the forest, she could feel his eyes. As she stepped onto the mossy log she glanced back once more and what she saw, as the last rays of sunshine glistened on trees, made her slip and almost fall. Catching herself before she hit the water, she shook off her surprise and hurried across the log to the safety of the other side. She took to a run as she hit the walkway that would lead to Gran’s warm fire and hot supper…. Yet she couldn’t shake what she had seen or thought she saw… for it wasn’t the shadow of a wolf she saw but that of a man!

Still consumed in her thoughts when she came through the door of Gran’s quaint cottage, she heard her grandmother call, in her Gaelic tongue, from the kitchen.

“D’Arcy Cathleen McShane! Ca’ raibh tu’?!” she only called her that when she was upset… Mostly D’Arcy was just “Red” to everyone... Nicknamed for her fiery copper curls that she had had since she was just wee one.

“Sorry Gran,” she called as she hung her torn cape on the coat hook, “I lost track of time…  But look what I found!” as she came through the kitchen door with the basket brimming full of grapes and berries.

“Leanbh feabhas sakes (goodness sakes child)!!” Gran exclaimed in her Gaelic tongue, “I have been worried sick! Come warm yourself by the fire while I wash these off.”  She placed her free arm around Darce, whom she had raised since her mother’s passing, and gave her loving hug. She looked at D’Aarcy’s dipped head. “Twill be alright, Love.” Nudging her gently towards the crackling fire, she hurried to the sink with the basket of fruit. D’Arcy was lost in her thoughts when her grandmother called her to the supper table. The scrumptious smell of dinner brought her back, it was only then that she remembered she hadn’t eaten since the piece of cheese and bread she had at noon while exploring the berry fields. She reached for a hot roll but Gran stopped her. “Child, grace first.”


Red bowed her head as Gran asked for blessings over the food.  As soon as the prayer was finished she scooped up the roll as her grandmother began to pass the bowls, heaped up with potatoes, steamed carrots and pot roast that had been simmering since Red left in the morning hours. It tasted wonderful and she was ravenous. As she sank her teeth into a fluffy forkful of mashed potatoes drizzled with gravy she heard a distant sound of a wolf howl. The hair on the back of her neck stood up… could that be her wolf?

Her grandmother was chattering away but she didn’t really hear what the conversation was about… “D’Arcy, are you listening to me?” Gran asked.

“Yes, Ma’am… You were saying that Mrs. Fisher was taking you to town tomorrow. Did I need anything?” she smiled as she took another forkful of steaming potatoes.

“Why yes…” Gran laughed, “I guess you were. Well is there anything ye are in need of?”

“Some cloth for a new cape would be quite nice.” she said with a smile. “And some more of that slave.” 

“Honestly, Darce, you’ll never find a husband if you keep on playing the tomboy!” Gran lovingly scolded.

Red’s green eyes flashed “I shan’t be needin’ a husband, Gran! I’ve got you and that’s all a girl could ask for!” She leaned over and kissed her grandmother’s soft cheek as she began to pick up the plates from the table.

“Ohhhhh Child…  You need a husband to be taken care of ye, not you taking care of your old grandma!” she patted D’Arcy face.

“I’ll not be depending on any man to be takin’ care of me!” Her green eyes flashing she sternly told her grandmother, “I can damn well take care of me self!” Then she soften as she squeezed her grandmother’s hand, “Sorry, Gran, I didn’t mean to raise my voice.” She apologized. She never would think of being disrespectful to her loving grandmother but they had already had this conversation for what seemed like a million times.


“Oh D’Arcy Cathleen!! You are so stubborn, just like yer mammy!” her grandmother signed.

Red finished cleaning the kitchen. Gran had gone to bed early as Mrs. Fisher would arrive early in the morning for their journey to town... As she was sweeping the floor and tossing the garbage she once again felt like eyes were watching her. She peered out the kitchen window but all she could see was the wind swaying the branches of the trees… No sign of anyone or anything so she turned out the lights and took the stairs to her bedroom. Outside a shadow shifted in the moonlight.


Red had a restless night’s sleep. She tossed and turned, jumbled and shrouded dreams haunted her. She woke up startled several times yet all she could remember of the dreams was the piercing blue eyes of that grey wolf.  This would be the first of many nights of restless sleep.

The next morning when she rose, Gran had long been gone. But she had left brewed tea and warm biscuits filled with slices of ham & cheese. As she, sipped on her warm cup of tea, she pondered her day. In three days she would be nineteen. Most of her friends from school had long since married, some even had children and she probably would have been married off like they had her father not been killed in a hunting accident three years ago… just about this time of the year… when the leaves have started their colorful change and the wind shifts to blow more from the north. She took on the role of caretaker for her grandmother. Though Gran had tried several times to tell her that she needed a husband. She was always quick to remind her grandmother that she wasn’t one to be controlled… she would be no man’s property! She was lost in her thoughts when she heard something outside. She walked to the door and there in field across the back fence was the grey wolf!

Quickly she threw a long sweater over her shift and pulled on her doeskin boots. She eased out the door and started for the fence row. He saw her and he start to cross the field to her but hesitated. Red called to him as she climbed through the fencing “Here Boy,” she spoke softly, “Come, let me see how ye are fairing with that paw.”  When she knelt down he came right to her. His bandage had stayed nice… it was hardly even dirty. He still favored it but wasn’t limping as much. He came up, smelling her hand & face… she ran her hands over his soft fur coat as he licked her nose. “Ahhh, ye’ be such a good boy.” She laughed as she scratched behind his ears. Suddenly his ears perked up and the hair on the back of his neck bristled. He stood ready to bolt. “What is it, fella?” Then she heard men’s voices in the distance but they were heading toward them. She knew if they found the wolf they would start a hunt. “Go!” she said in a hushed yet stern voice, “if they see you it will be trouble for you my handsome friend. Go Now!” she clapped her hands and he bolted back towards the forest. He was well out of sight by the time the men passed her front yard... They saw her, waving, looking at her sheepishly. It was then she remembered she was out in the yard in nothing but her shift, a sweater and doeskin boots, hair all astray! Blushing, “Oh bloody hell!”, she muttered to herself, making her way quickly back to the cottage.  She hurriedly ran up the stairs. If she hurried she could catch up with her grey knight. She threw on her britches, a poet’s shirt and a deep green belted tunic.  Her coppery curls fell all around her as she laced up her boots quickly. She really should do something about the disarray of her locks but no time… she made two small braids on either side of her face just to keep it back, grabbed her basket and cape and hurried out the door. She cleared the fence row, picked up her pace, running through the field to the edge of the forest.  How far could he have gotten and why was she so drawn to him??

As she entered the realm of the forest she was aware of a presence… erotic and a bit dark… while the tiny hairs on the back of her neck stood up, she was not afraid, noting to herself that she should be. As she took a step she heard the crush of the brush as something… someone stepped onto the path. She turned quickly to come face to face with the most striking man… Dark black curls fell to his shoulders; he had on black leather britches and a grey shirt. She sucked in her breath and stood stone still, for as he walked towards her she saw the dark blue piercing eyes of her grey wolf and then everything went black around her…

As the forest came back in her sight, Red tried to get to her feet. “Easy there, Pet” said a gentle voice, “you took quite a tumble. I apologize for startling you, Cherie.” He came to her with his water pouch, as he handed it to her, she noted the bandage on his hand looked remarkably like the one she had tied on the grey wolf’s paw with care. The forest started to spin again, she shook her head. “You are still unsteady. Oui?” his hand gently traced a curl that hand fallen in her face, as he drank in her scent as to etch it forever with in his memory. “I know it’s a lot to take in but I knew yesterday when our paths crossed that YOU were the one, Lil Red.”

“My name is D’Arcy, M’Lord and the one for what?? And who ye be, any bloody way?” She spat as she pushed him away.  She was trying to deny what her mind was telling her to be true. This ridiculously striking man was her wolf… one in the same. 

“Permit me to introduce myself. I am Jacques Loup. My family lines run deep in the southern part of France.” He leaned in closer, breathing in her scent… it was innocent yet so seductive. “Listen to the voice inside your depth, Cherie’. It speaks the truth. This you know. Oui?” His  eyes caught hers, searching them he already found the answer. As their eyes locked, she felt a fire ignite within; with no thought of hesitation she found herself in his arms. His hand raised her dipped chin to him, studying her face… then he kissed her deeply. “We must get you home, Sweet Red.  Your, as you say, Gran, will be worried.” He stood and offered his hand to help her to her feet.

“No wa-…” she started but as he placed his long thin finger against her lips, he told her, “I will see you again soon… meet me in the clearing in three nights, the moon will be full as to light your way. I will answer all your questions, Cherie. Can you that, sweet Red?” he questioned.

“Yes M’Lord”, She curtsied. 

“Good Girl, “he smiled as he took her by the hand and led her to the edge of the forest. The late afternoon sun was beginning its dissent but she would be home long before it came close to setting. He stopped before they reached the sunlit edge. “This is as far as I can go till dark, Cherie.” He started to let go of her hand, as to send her on her way but instead he pulled her to him. Hands interlocked in her curls, he pulled her into his kiss... so intense was the desire that danced around them…  tongues dancing and darting, biting her lips, drinking her in as he continue to kiss her deeply. She surrendered to him so easily and yes, he could have taken her right there but no… one must wait for the moment to be right. For her to be ripe with want and desire. He wanted to take his time with her and with that thought he pulled away, “Now go, my Pet.” as he patted her on her derriere,” Hurry along, Gran will be waiting.” He pushed her towards the sunlit path.

She walked slowly glancing back with a longing look and in that moment he knew with out a doubt, “YES she was the one.” Her cheeks flushed, red curls tousled, lips plump & bruised from his kiss but the passion danced in her green glazed eyes. She had a fire in her and a lust for adventure that matched his. She would be consumed by desire’s fire and would want for more.


For D’Arcy the next three days seemed to go on endless. Her grandmother kept her busy though, cleaning the cottage and the canning fruits and vegetables that would get them through the winter months ahead. The morning of her birthday she rose far earlier than usual in the most wonderful mood. Today was her birthday yet it wasn’t her birthday that had her beaming.  Her delightful mood came from the thought of meeting with the blued eyed rogue, Jacques, whom had totally captivated her attention. Tonight was the night she would meet him and the very thought made the fires of desire begin to smolder. She giggled herself as she hopped out of bed, “why Red such a bad kitten ye be!” she tidied her room and hurried downstairs.

As she came into the kitchen, there was Gran and a table full of her favorites:  breakfast of bacon & fried eggs with sliced tomatoes (which was a rare treat), two loaves of fresh baked dark soda bread and a chocolate cake laced with Irish cream. At the end of the table were not one but two beautiful wrapped gifts and on the stove simmering, was what would become a lunch of champ and spiced beef.  It was all so festive and the perfect way to start her special day!

“Happy Birthday, D’Arcy!” Gran beamed.

“Oh Gran,” She smiled as she ran to hug her, “You must have been up all night…”

“Well tis yer nineteenth birthday, Love and I wanted it to be special. I will go take a nap later. Would you like to open yer gifts before we eat?”

“Oh Yes!!!” she exclaimed as she hurried to the beautiful packages. She carefully unwrapped, the smaller of the two and in side was a small heart shaped gold locket. 

“Twas ye’ mammy’s, Child” Gran said softly as she took it and gently placed it around her neck. “It was given to her on her nineteenth birthday shortly before she met yer Papi.”

Tears glistened in Red’s eyes as she touched the locket. Gran patted her gently, “Open the other one.” Red untied the silver ribbons and opened the wrapping, inside was a beautiful red cape. As she admire it her grandmother said, “Yer old one has seen better days, ye need a new one.”

“Gran, it is so beautiful,” she said as slipped it on. It had a hood with a ruffle on it and came down to her ankles. She twirled as to show it off to her grandmother who had lovingly sewn it together in secret.

“O m'anam” (from my heart), her grandmother spoke in her Gaelic tongue as Red wrapped her arms around her once more, “Wear it in good health, Child.”


Red spent the day with her grandmother. Gran told her stories from when she was wee and braided sweet flowers in her hair as she did. As early evening came Gran took to bed early, as she had been up since the early hours of the morn. Once she knew Gran was settled in she gathered her basket, filling it with cheese, bread, a tin of the colcannon and spiced beef, they had already cut the cake so she was able to include a chunk of it.

She placed her dagger in its sheath on the inside of her boot; slipped her new red cape on and out the door to the river crossing she headed. 


By the time she reached the river crossing, night had fallen. True to what he said the full moon shone brightly to guide her way. She took extra care on the crossing as not to tear her new red cape. In the still of the night; Lil Red once again found herself at the crossroad deep in the forest… The Moonlight filtered through clouds & the trees, the wind rustled through the leaves & swirled around her… the night air had a definite chill to it but she didn’t feel it. The smoldering passion that was just awakening, kept her warm as she walked into the clearing… She paused drinking in the feeling, placing her hands over her mouth as she closed her eyes,  she breathed in deeply… she could feel that he was near even though she could not yet see him. She felt a quiver run through her stomach like butterflies on a first date, and a ripple up her spine as she smiled to herself. Behind her in the shadows, he stood watching her, his deep blue eyes twinkling in the dark. He had caught her scent long before he saw her in the clearing. Even before he stepped from the shadows to be with her… the pulse of their want for one another could be felt throughout the forest.  It crackled & sparked like an electric arc. In his human form he stepped into the clearing with a sense of urgency, for their time together would end all too soon with the coming of dawn. He was just leaning in to whisper in her ear when she turned, green eyes flashing… stepping back, she dipped her head and did a curtsey, “Evening M’ Lord” her Irish brogue dancing on the sultry air between them. His devilishly handsome grin hit his eyes and danced for a moment. He stepped into her, grabbing her and pulling her to him, “Evening my Sweet Red” he breathed against her delicate neckline. He nuzzled in, biting her softly, breathing in her scent, a distinctive scent that was hers and he could not get enough of… running his fingers deep in her hair, he kiss her turned up mouth softly. “Have you missed this, Cherie?” as he ran his hands down her shoulders and back. She blushed yet smiled and nodded.

He whispered softly, “I have thought of nothing but this since I left you at the forest edge.” Kissing her deeply he ran his hand across her derriere pulling her to him. He could not get close enough to her with all her finery. He had to control his urge to rip them from her and just take her right there. As she returned his kisses passionately, he thought to himself, “Such exquisitely unique creature she was... Such a life we could have!” He smiled to himself as he let her take the lead for a moment.

 All she was feeling went far against her Catholic upbringing yet she never claimed the Catholic religion as hers. She had been crafting herself in the old ways for awhile. She was, as her mother before her, a child of nature. Her thoughts of hesitation melted away with his every touch, with each kiss. She was clear in thought even though passion’s fire burned brightly, she knew for the first time in all her days, this felt perfectly right!

 Resisting his desires to take this further, he placed his hands firmly on her shoulders, gently pushing her back. He gazed at her in moonlight. The hunger in her eyes was more than he expected, he could have taken her right there. The dance of seduction would have been so easy but he was one of honesty and he wanted her to know the truth. If she had all the details and that hunger still glistened in her eyes then he would make her, his… for always.

 “Come, Red. I promised you answers and answers you shall have, Cherie’,” he said taking her tiny hand in his as he guided her a log, he sat down, pulling her into his lap, ”You’re wondering if I am le wolf you helped in this clearing, Oui? I know you already know the answer in your heart so I shall tell you how this came to be. My great grandfather was seduced by a powerful sorceress, when he turned her away for his true love, my great-grandmother she placed a curse on my family: the first born man-child of each generation, would be trapped in the form of a wolf by daylight, his true form revealed only in the dark of night. However, I have learned in the depth of the forest darkness I can shape-shift to a man at will. I have spent all my days alone yet when we cross paths on our perchance encounter I knew I was staring at destiny. We could have a life of many adventures, yet that life comes with much danger. I will provide for you,  protect you and make sure you never want for any other. A forever love could be ours.” He could tell she was conflicted. “I want you, D’Arcy, however the decision is yours, Cherie’.  It is my hope that you choose me and the world I can give you, however should you choose to stay here I shall understand. 

She started to answer but he placed his hand on her month, “Shhhh, Mon Amour. Sleep on it and I will come for your answers by the light of the moon tomorrow.”

 He walked her to the fence row, taking her in his arms he looked deep in her eyes, “I want you, Red, like I have never wanted a woman before. I hope you choose to want me too.” He kissed her turned up nose & her tender palm, “Adieu, Cherie’.” And he was gone.

 The next morning she was still sitting at the kitchen table deep in thought when her grandmother came downstairs. As she put the kettle on she asked, “D'Arcy, what do you want from life?”

Red was thinking to herself, “that came out of nowhere.” And she said without a doubt or hesitation. “Adventure and someone to share it with”.

Gran sat down beside her and took both of her hands in hers. “Ye are yer mammy’s child. Ye always have been!” Kissing her hands, with a mist of tears in her eyes, she smiled, “Then go find that which you desire. I’ll not say anything more except I love you, Child.” She got up and begins to fix breakfast. 

That night after her grandmother had gone to bed she put a small bag together and wrote a letter that her grandmother would find on the kitchen table when she rose:

              Dearest Gran,

Is ait an mac an saol (Life is strange). You told me to find that, which I desire. In a perchance meeting I have met the someone and our adventure awaits. Tis with mix emotions that I leave ye. Yet me heart tells me that this is where my path lies. I will be back to check on ye and I promise I shall write you often. Do not worry, Gran I shall be fine. 

 O m'anam … I Love Ye!




Pulling her beautiful cape off the coat tree she looked around the small cottage that she had called home for as long as she could remember, gathering her bow & bag she went out the door. At first she didn’t see him but as the moon peeked through the clouds she caught sight of him walking across the field towards her. She flew in his arms, kissing him deeply. The smile on his face, danced in his eyes as she said, “I choose you.”


“Come then Cherie, “We have a long journey ahead, we shall arrive at the port where my ship is docked, in three nights... He kissed her once more, taking her tiny hand in his they headed toward the forest. As she took his hand she couldn’t help but glance back at the rich Irish landscape that had been her home from the moment she was born, it was all the world she had known all of her nineteen years. She paused in taking in a deep breath of the crisp night air once more. Looking ahead, Jacques was looking at her tenderly, “ Something wrong, Cherie’?” 

Her eyes misted with tears, though she shook her head, “ ‘Tis only natural to want to breathe in this crisp night air of what has been home to me for so long, one last time, M’Lord”, as she stepped toward him, “O’ manam, I am ready to share this new life with you, Mo gra’:”

“Ahhhh, Cherie’, I love the sound of that.”, he pulled her close and kissed her forehead, “ We will come back whenever you want to visit but we must hurry. We make better time at night as I can move swiftly and freely.  Daytime makes for more discreet travel and many more adjustments. Oui?”

She smiled and nodded, squeezing his hand gently. The hoot owl called to them as they headed into the dark forest. When they got to the clearing, Jacques’ beautiful bay gelding was waiting. Helping D’Arcy up, he softly spoke, “Armand is a fine and gentle horse. He has been my companion for many years and you will have no problem with him during the day,  Cherie’”  he  then settled in the saddle behind her, “ If we hurry will make it to the inn in time for a hot meal & a real feather bed to sleep in tonight. I’m afraid the two days travel afterwards will not be as warm and cozy. Once we reach the ship, Cherie’ we have more comfortable arrangements.” he softly kissed her cheek as he brought his arms around her,  taking the reins, turning the stead, they headed to the east. And so their journey together had begun.


Well the fire has burned to cinders, our teacups are long empty and ‘tis late, my curious friend but do come by again for I have many more tales of Lil Red and her blue-eyed grey wolf.... O’ manam.